Welcome to Coast

Welcome to Coast

We’re thrilled to announce that from today, Trident Marine Insurance will now be known as Coast Insurance.

This change reflects our coming ashore from our origins in marine insurance and transformation into a multi-class underwriting agency, still maintaining a strong marine focus. It’s a coming of age in the year 2021, as we move beyond our roots in the Trident Insurance Group to become a stand-alone underwriting agency, which serves both the broker and direct customer markets.

The new brand truly encompasses our core business values and was formed around the idea of protecting the Australian way of life. We are proud to be recognised as one of Australia’s leading marine underwriting agencies and this brand refresh now best reflects everything we have to offer.

Speaking to our General Manager of Underwriting, Stephanie Muller, she says

“Coast has come about following years of evolving Trident Underwriting into a business which today, has so much more to offer. We are very proud of our roots as Trident and our brand has an excellent reputation, however branching into other areas of insurance creates the need to relaunch with a fresh new face. We are all quite excited about the future and are very focused on what’s ahead of us.”
What hasn’t changed. Our people.

All of the familiar names and faces you’ve dealt with at Trident now make up the team at Coast Insurance. We are an experienced and responsive group of insurance professionals with underwriting and claims handling expertise. We encourage you to continue to contact your regular personnel and if you don’t know us, we’d love to get to know you.

What we insure

At Coast Insurance, we’ll continue to offer the wide range of insurance products you’ve come to know us for, including:

Hull classes

Paddle craft, personal water craft, pleasure craft, third party only, commercial vessels.


Private jetties.

Classes which we can assist with via insurance brokers are;

Marine Industry – Property, Liability and associated classes

Package solutions for entities servicing the marine industry including; yacht clubs, marinas & marina operators, marine dealerships, chandlery outlets, workshops, boat builders, marine tourism operations.

Property and Liability

Commercial property, broadform liability, umbrella liability to a wide range of entities.

Unoccupied premises

Commercial and residential.

Legal expenses

Commercial legal expenses cover.

We look forward to servicing you under our new brand

Looking for a Quote?

Choose the best option below to find the Market Leading Products to suit your needs

customer quote

For Boats, Personal Water Craft


For Boats, Personal Water Craft

Various retail and commercial products including package solutions

general enquiry

Talk to the team at Coast Insurance for more options